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Bark Basketry-an unusual craft

This traditional Appalachian craft utilizes an often overlooked and discarded material - The bark of a tree - to create beautiful, functional containers that can last a lifetime. These folded type baskets are perfectly suited for foraging for berries, collecting all those cool rocks from the creek, anything where the “weave” of other type baskets may let precious small objects fall through.

*due to the nature of the material utilized, this craft is a highly seasonal project with bark season lasting only 6-8 weeks out of the year. Don’t miss your chance!

An endlessly versatile and satisfying, highly seasonal project, this class is an invitation to share in an obsession.

This class will cover:

-Tree selection and sustainable harvesting

-Thorough seasonal guidelines on how to tell when the season begins and ends

-Material preparation

-Construction and care

Class size: 20

Cost: 65

May 27

Bark Basketry-an unusual craft

July 8

Bark Mask Making-a unique expression on natural material